What makes JLF different than other yoga festivals? Comparing apples to oranges?

JLF est un litchi ( cf. fruit exotique). JLF est une expérience unique et singulière qui vous rappelle sans effort tout ce que VOUS savez déjà ! Le kirtan exaltant, les conférences d'experts, les techniques anciennes mais accessibles, les gens qui marchent, l'ashram, ET un maître éveillé. Ce n'est vraiment pas une conférence de yoga comme les autres.

Qui est Paramahamsa Vishwananda?

Paramhamsa Vishwananda (ou Guruji, comme certains l'appellent) réside à l'ashram, lieu du festival Just Love. C'est un maître éclairé qui guide et enseigne les personnes du monde entier désireuses de trouver un sens plus profond à l'existence. Il est fort probable que vous le voyiez sur le site du festival ou même sur la scène principale en train de conduire un ou deux rituels védiques ! Et peut-être aurez-vous l'occasion de lui parler - si vous le souhaitez !

Comment dois-je m'habiller pour venir au festival ? Y a-t-il un code vestimentaire ?

Nope, no dress code.  Everyone is welcome to come as they so choose.  Only thing you might want to know, is that a lot of us (especially the nuns/monks) tend not to show a lot of skin but that’s because we are monastics! For anyone who is not, we suggest you wear what makes you feel comfortable.

Attendez, des nonnes et des moines ? Quoi ?

You might notice that some of us at the festival- working, cooking, musicians, gardening, etc. are wearing brightly colored traditional clothes, yellow, red or orange.  And that’s because those people have taken renunciant vows, dedicating their lives in service.  They make up a part of our community. We also have a vibrant community of individuals, families, and you- that make up the rest.


Dois-je apporter mon propre tapis de yoga ?

Yes. Or you can purchase one in our Bhakti Shop at the festival.


Pourquoi servez-vous des plats végétaliens ?

At Just Love Festival we believe in the principal of striving to cause the least harm possible- ‘ahimsa’. We believe that animals have a right to life when other means of survival are readily available.

Qu'est-ce que le kirtan ?

The word Kirtan comes from the Sanskrit root meaning, ‘Praise’.  Extending that meaning further to what Kirtan is today- we can say that Kirtan is the musical expression of praise; praise to the Source that nurtures and sustains and is summarily all of Creation itself.

Pourquoi certains hommes portent-ils des jupes (dhotis) et les femmes des vêtements traditionnels indiens (sarees) ?

Well, the easiest answer is because they like to!  And you can too if you’d like- purchase a saree in our Bhakti shop and let one of our salespeople help you to put a saree or dhoti on.

What is that mark on many people’s foreheads? Should I be worried?

 No worry necessary- people wearing this mark don’t bite usually! The mark you see on some of us is called a ‘tilak’.  According to Yogic tradition, the place between the eyebrows has great spiritual importance as it is the energy center of the sixth chakra and is known as the ‘seat of consciousness’ controlling all faculties of the body and mind.  By the wearing of a tilak, especially one made with sandalwood paste, one increases the ability for deeper concentration and focus.  For more understanding about the specific markings that some are wearing, feel free to ask anyone with it on the forehead.


What are the normal weather conditions during the festival?

Unpredictable at best.  We always hope for clear blue skies and sun, but sometimes Mother Nature surprises us with other blessings! Generally the weather is mixed with partial sun and partial cloudy skies with some rain.  Nights can be chilly. 

Is smoking permitted?

The Ashram grounds are a smoke free environment.  Smoking is also not permitted in our campgrounds.  If you need to smoke, we suggest taking a little walk around the outer perimeter of the Ashram, but please be so kind not to litter 😊


Check out highlights from last year’s Just Love Festival and remember this year will be even better!


Qu'est-ce qui différencie le Just Love Festival des autres festivals de yoga ? Comparer des pommes à des oranges ?

JLF est un litchi ( cf. fruit exotique). JLF est une expérience unique et singulière qui vous rappelle sans effort tout ce que VOUS savez déjà ! Le kirtan exaltant, les conférences d'experts, les techniques anciennes mais accessibles, les gens qui marchent, l'ashram, ET un maître éveillé. Ce n'est vraiment pas une conférence de yoga comme les autres.

Qui est Paramahamsa Vishwananda?

Paramhamsa Vishwananda (ou Guruji, comme certains l'appellent) réside à l'ashram, lieu du festival Just Love. C'est un maître éclairé qui guide et enseigne les personnes du monde entier désireuses de trouver un sens plus profond à l'existence. Il est fort probable que vous le voyiez sur le site du festival ou même sur la scène principale en train de conduire un ou deux rituels védiques ! Et peut-être aurez-vous l'occasion de lui parler - si vous le souhaitez !

Comment dois-je m'habiller pour venir au festival ? Y a-t-il un code vestimentaire ?

Nope, no dress code.  Everyone is welcome to come as they so choose.  Only thing you might want to know, is that a lot of us (especially the nuns/monks) tend not to show a lot of skin but that’s because we are monastics! For anyone who is not, we suggest you wear what makes you feel comfortable.

Attendez, des nonnes et des moines ? Quoi ?

You might notice that some of us at the festival- working, cooking, musicians, gardening, etc. are wearing brightly colored traditional clothes, yellow, red or orange.  And that’s because those people have taken renunciant vows, dedicating their lives in service.  They make up a part of our community. We also have a vibrant community of individuals, families, and you- that make up the rest.


Dois-je apporter mon propre tapis de yoga ?

Yes. Or you can purchase one in our Bhakti Shop at the festival.


Pourquoi servez-vous des plats végétaliens ?

At Just Love Festival we believe in the principal of striving to cause the least harm possible- ‘ahimsa’. We believe that animals have a right to life when other means of survival are readily available.

Qu'est-ce que le kirtan ?

The word Kirtan comes from the Sanskrit root meaning, ‘Praise’.  Extending that meaning further to what Kirtan is today- we can say that Kirtan is the musical expression of praise; praise to the Source that nurtures and sustains and is summarily all of Creation itself.

Pourquoi certains hommes portent-ils des jupes (dhotis) et les femmes des vêtements traditionnels indiens (sarees) ?

Well, the easiest answer is because they like to!  And you can too if you’d like- purchase a saree in our Bhakti shop and let one of our salespeople help you to put a saree or dhoti on.

What is that mark on many people’s foreheads? Should I be worried?

 No worry necessary- people wearing this mark don’t bite usually! The mark you see on some of us is called a ‘tilak’.  According to Yogic tradition, the place between the eyebrows has great spiritual importance as it is the energy center of the sixth chakra and is known as the ‘seat of consciousness’ controlling all faculties of the body and mind.  By the wearing of a tilak, especially one made with sandalwood paste, one increases the ability for deeper concentration and focus.  For more understanding about the specific markings that some are wearing, feel free to ask anyone with it on the forehead.


What are the normal weather conditions during the festival?

Unpredictable at best.  We always hope for clear blue skies and sun, but sometimes Mother Nature surprises us with other blessings! Generally the weather is mixed with partial sun and partial cloudy skies with some rain.  Nights can be chilly. 

Is smoking permitted?

The Ashram grounds are a smoke free environment.  Smoking is also not permitted in our campgrounds.  If you need to smoke, we suggest taking a little walk around the outer perimeter of the Ashram, but please be so kind not to litter 😊
